【每周金句】神的事情人所能知道的,原显明在人心里,因为神已经给他们显明。自从造天地以来,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,虽是眼不能见,但借着所造之物就可以晓得,叫人无可推诿。 罗马书1:19-20
What does it take to have good communication between people? 如何在人与人之间建立良好的沟通?
What is Psalm 19 all about? What is its theme? 诗篇第19篇是关于什么的? 它的主题是什么?
What do people do with God if they don't hear a clear message about him? 如果没有听到关于神的明确信息,人们会对神做些什么呢?
What does Psalm 19 say that God's creation is for? (i.e. by its existence what is it doing?) 诗篇第19篇说神的创造是为了什么呢? (例如,藉着它的存在它在做什么?)
What does Romans 1 say about people who look at creation but don't see and worship God who made it?对于人们看见神的创造却看不见创造的神也不敬拜神,罗马书第1章是怎么说的?
Why don't people respond the right way to creation? What does Romans 1 say? 为什么人们不能够以正确的方式回应神的创造?罗马书第1章是怎么说的?
How did God make clear what we should have been able to work out from creation? 对于我们本应该从创造中晓得的事情,神是怎样向我们显明的?
How has God spoken most clearly to us? Why is that so good? 神是怎样最清楚地对我们讲话的?这为什么是这样的好?