【每周金句】那时,他要在怒中责备他们,在烈怒中惊吓他们,说:“我已经立我的君在锡安我的圣山上了。” 诗篇 2:5-6
日益两极分化的世界 An increasing polarized world
外邦争闹 The nations rage
徒劳的政治 The futility of politics
新类的政治 A new kind of politics
门徒小组问题 Discussion questions
两极分化,部落主义,‘我们对他们’,越来越成为我们这个时代政治的特征。你曾经见过或亲身经历过怎样类似的例子呢?这与过去的冲突与分歧有什么不同?Polarisation, tribalism, ‘us v them’ increasing characterise the politics of our age. What examples have you seen or experienced of this? How is it different from the conflicts and disagreement of the past?
基督徒如何参与政治?我们该怎么做呢?我们因此遇到过哪些困难和挑战呢?How do Christians engage in politics? How should they? What are the difficulties and challenges we have experienced with this?
请读诗篇第2篇 Please read Psalm 2.外邦为什么争闹/愤怒?(1-3节)Why do the nations rage (vv.1-3)?
神对外邦争闹/愤怒的回应是什么?(4-9节)What is the LORD’s response to the raging of the nations (vv.4-9)?
神对外邦的邀请是什么?(10-12节)What is the LORD’s invitation to the nations (vv.10-12)?
“政治服务敬拜,政府事奉‘神’”。讨论这是否以及如何解释当前政治中的争闹/愤怒。‘Politics serve worship. And governments serve gods.’ Discuss whether and how this might explain the rage in current politics.
神通过祂的话语掌管这个世界。God rules the world through His word.
基督徒该怎样用与世界不同的方式参与政治?How might Christians do politics differently to the world?