

【每周金句】 “你要尽心、尽性、尽力、尽意爱主你的神,又要爱邻舍如同自己。” 路加福音 10:27

讲员:Roger Green (Anglicare)
讲道主题:爱邻舍如同自己 Love your neighbour as yourself  


门徒小组问题 D-group Questions

  1. 读经路加福音10:25-29。路加告诉我们关于这位律法师的事情是什么?

    Read Luke 10:25-29. What does Luke tell us about the lawyer?

  2. 对于这第26节里面的问题,你会怎样回答?耶稣的回应的令人惊讶之处是什么?你认为耶稣为什么以这种方式回应?

    How would you answer the question in v26? What is surprising about Jesus response? Why do you think Jesus responded in this way?

  3. 作为一个小组,试着讲述这个好撒玛利亚人的比喻。然后再读30-37节,你有没有错过任何的细节呢?

    As a group try and retell the parable of the Good Samaritan. Now read v30-37? Did you miss any of the detail?

  4. 列出祭司和利未人可能有的不能够帮助这位受伤的人的种种藉口。

    List some of the excuses the priest and the Levite might have had for failing to help the wounded man?

  5. 这个故事的什么事情会使耶稣的听众们感到震惊?

    What is it about this story that would have shocked Jesus listeners?

  6. 我们需要问的问题不仅仅是我的邻舍是谁,而且是我是一位怎样的邻舍?既然这位撒玛利亚人是耶稣给的如何爱你的邻舍的榜样,他的行动告诉我们爱应当是怎样的?

    The question we need to ask is not only who is my neighbour but what kind of neighbour am I? Since the Samaritan is Jesus’ example of how to love your neighbour what do his actions tell us what love is like?

  7. 思考一下在家里,工作或学习的场合,以及教会中发生的事情。你应当怎样应用耶稣的教导?作为门徒小组或是作为教会,你应当怎样爱社区中贫穷的人,边缘人,以及孤独者?

    Think through what is happening for you at home, at work/study and at church. How might you apply Jesus’ teaching? What might you do as a bible study or as a church to love the poor, the marginalised, the lonely in our community?

  8. 您也可以考虑将诗篇第146篇应用到你的祷告里。

    You may like to include Psalm 146 in your prayer time.

Sunny Yu