Latest News
August 4th 2020
Dear sisters, brothers and friends of St George’s,
Update for Weekend 8th and 9th August
I’m writing to you to let you know what will happen this weekend as we commence our in-person service.
Before you read further, it’s important to remember that the Bible teaches us that we cannot church alone. Watching other people church on Youtube is not church. You must church with other people. The following are different ways that can help you to church.
In-person church
God-willing we will be commencing in-person church services:
Wednesday - 1.30pm English Prayer book
Saturday - 3pm Cantonese
Sunday - 9.30 English / 9.30 Cantonese/ NextGen ministry
- 11am Mandarin
- 4pm English
Please note the following:
1. Numbers are limited. The health authorities have placed a limit on how many people we can have on site at any one time. Currently, it is 100. This may change. Therefore, you plan to join the in-person service you must register here no later than 3pm Friday before the Sunday. Please note:
• If the number of people exceed the permitted limit, we will let you know.
• Allocation will be made on a first come first serve basis.
• You will only need to register once. However, if you do not attend after having registered for 3 weeks in a row
you will need to re-register.
• There will be a check-in procedure at the entrances to the church, hall and children area. You can go to a
newly set up information booth for any enquiry. • When the children are checked-in, they will go to the
children ministry area (the Seminar Room). They will be signed-out from there at the end of the program.
2. Please make sure that you know our COVIDsafe plan so that you can comply with it. Otherwise, please follow the directions of staff and volunteers.
3. Although not currently mandatory, we ask that all adults wear face masks when participating in in-person ministries.
If you are unable to attend the in-person service
I reiterate that that the Bible teaches us that we cannot church alone. Watching a video of a church services with other people watching the same church service is not church. Church involves meeting with other people. In our context, the meeting is either done in-person or over a device. To facilitate this: Zoom meetings The church will continue to host a zoom meeting during the following events:
• 930 Cantonese service.
• 11am Mandarin service.
The church will not host a zoom meeting for any other services. However, a zoom meeting will be hosted after the service for 930am and 4pm services for anyone who wishes to connect to join.
The church will broadcast the following services on Youtube:
• 930 Cantonese service.
• 930 English service.
• 11am Mandarin service.
You can access a recording of those services on our website at any other time. If you are unable to attend an in-person service, then please:
• Form a habit of churching at the same time each week, e.g. if you intend to be part of the 930 English
congregation then you ‘church’ at that time each week. If you don’t form a habit of churching, you will form
the habit of not churching!!!
• Find ways to church with other people. There are several ways that you can do this:
• Meet as a d-group for a ‘watch party’.
• Meet as a d-group over zoom for a ‘watch party’. If possible, organise to meet in-person once a month.
• If you are not part of a d-group, then join a d-group or form your own group so that you can meet with
others over the Bible.
I am very excited and thankful that God-willing we will be commencing in-person church this weekend. I am also grateful that we can continue to minster to one another even when we are physically apart. There are still many challenges and unresolved issues. Thank you for being patient.
Please do not hesitate to contact any of the pastoral or operational staff (9580 1482 or to discuss any concerns or questions that you may have.
In Christ,
The Rev. Dr. Brian Tung,
Senior Minister
July 31st 2020
Dear sisters, brothers and friends of St George’s,
Confirmation Service and In-person church
I’m writing to let you know our plans for in- person church and the confirmation service this Sunday, especially in light of the confirmed case of COVID-19 of a worker in a nail salon in Westfield, Hurstville. We should continue to pray for those affected and the authorities. At this stage, we will continue with both. We want to let you know why we will do this.
It is impossible to postpone in-person church until the level of risk was abated or if COVID-19 were eliminated in the community, if those conditions are impossible. We will either have to postpone in-person church indefinitely or we proceed with in-person church until the level of risk becomes unacceptable. There is no consistent nor uniform practice among churches in Sydney. We are choosing the latter. Our assessment of the level of risks is based on the advice of the health and church authorities.
We are thankful for the diligence and wisdom that our Lord has given to the Australian authorities in the management of this crisis. The Public Health Order was recently amended (24 July) to restrict the numbers at church gatherings.[1] The authorities are continually adjusting in response to the changing situation to contain the spread of COVID-19. I’m sure that if there were a need, further restrictions will be applied.
At this stage, the authorities have not directed nor advised that there should not be in-person church gathering. They have reiterated the need to be vigilant and careful in our social interactions including limiting unnecessary travel and social gatherings, self isolation and testing if you are unwell or if you have come into contact with someone who has COVID-19, maintain physical distance and good hygiene etc. In addition, in the context of church, there should be no singing nor mingling before and after church services.
At this stage, there is no specific advice nor direction in response to the situation in Hurstville.[2]
On the above basis, we have decided to continue with our plan to meet for in-person church this Sunday and on 8 and 9 August.
What you need to do
There are several important things that you should know:
1. We will suspend in-person ministry if we are directed to do so by the authorities or if we feel that it is the most loving thing to do - for the well being and health of our members and the wider community, i.e. if the level of risk increases to an unacceptable level. We will advise the church community of that decision as soon as possible.
2. We will continue to provide services on-line. For those of you who are unable to attend in-person church, we encourage you to participate in church life via our online church AND to actively maintain your walk with the Lord AND fellowship with one another. You can do this by meeting at home for d-group, catching up for a walk in the park, regularly call other members as part of the prayer 1-2-3 program.
3. If you decide to be part of the in person church, you must comply strictly with the church’s COVIDSafe plan including self isolation if you are unwell or have been in contact with someone with COVID-19; maintain physical distance; good personal hygiene etc.
In addition, we recommend everyone at in-person church wear a face mask.
As there is a limit to the number of people we can accommodate on site you must preregister your attendance no later than 3pm on the Friday before the Sunday. As the numbers may change, we will then advise you if the church site is unable to accommodate you.
It is indeed unprecedented times for us. The greatest danger is not COVID-19, but that we will forget our Lord. Israel did while they were in exile. Forgetting occurs gradually. Small decisions for convenience and ease often lead to habits of neglect and faithlessness. It is therefore vitally important to form good spiritual and relationship habits. Without overstating the matter, it is a life and death matter.
Please be assured of our prayers. And please pray for us.Please do not hesitate to contact any of the pastoral or operational staff (9580 1482 or to discuss any concerns or questions that you may have.
In Christ,
The Rev. Dr. Brian Tung,
Senior Minister
[1] for the actual order please see This is an explanation from the NSW government -
[2] See the areas advised by NSW government for self isolation, testing and monitoring as of today
July 4th 2020
Dear sisters, brothers and friends of St George’s,
I am writing to update you on what will be happening at St George’s over the next few months. There will be significant changes that will affect all of us.
What are we doing to make sure that everyone is safe and healthy?
The safety and well-being of all our members, guests and staff is a priority for us. The church acts according to the directions and advice of the NSW Health authorities, our diocesan leadership and our internal experts.
As required by the NSW health authorities, we have adopted a COVID safety plan and are certified to be COVID safe.
In the event that there is a confirmed case of COVID19, we will notify our church community and suspend our in-person church ministries until a thorough clean have been done, or as directed by NSW Health authorities.
Details of this plan and how it impacts us will be posted on our church website. For the good of those around us, please make sure that you are familiar with these steps to obtain latest information and updates.
It is important for all of us to understand that ministry and our common life will change to adhere to COVID safety plan and guidelines.
What will be happening with church?
Based on what we know as of today, in-person church will start again on the weekend of Saturday 8th August 2020. However, church will be different.
What will not be different is:
• Who we are - we are the children of God. God is our Father. Heaven is our home. Everyday day is one day nearer. Our Savior is our brother; every Christian is our brother and sister too.
• Why we exist - St George’s exists to glorify God, by loving our neighbors and making disciples of all.
• Church - has not changed. ‘Church’ is a verb not a noun. We meet together to spur one another on to love and good works, especially as the Day draws near.
Whilst the current circumstances (government restrictions and threat of danger from COVID19) pose a challenge, our good God is providing through them wonderful opportunities for the future. Opportunities to reach more people in new ways with the gospel, and opportunities to try new ministries for discipleship.
What will be new?
To meet the conditions and restriction, as well as building new platforms for ministry, as of 8th August 2020:
1. There will be 3 new congregations/services:
• Wednesday afternoon at 1:30pm - traditional English Prayer Book service.
• Saturday afternoon at 3pm - Cantonese service.
• Sunday afternoon at 4pm - English service.
2. The 8am nor 11am English services will not be starting at that time. On Sunday mornings:
• Sunday morning at 9:30am - Cantonese service.
• Sunday morning at 9:30am – English service.
• Sunday morning at 11am - Mandarin service.
3. Initially there will be a limit on the number of people to each service. The church chapel building is only allowed to seat up to 86 people and the hall up to 55. All the services (including the new ones) should be able to accommodate all our 500 members and some guests. Pre-registration to a service will be necessary and registered members will be issued a membership card with its unique QR code. An allocation principle will be applied to ameliorate over-subscription to a service.
4. *For the benefit of our brothers and sisters from the change in circumstances, our Zoom streaming service will be continuing on 8th August 2020.
5. Children ministry will commence on Sunday 9th August 2020:
• The new services (Wednesday, Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon) will not have specialized children ministry. That is, specialized children ministry will only be available on Sunday morning. But the format and program will be different.
• 9:30am - 10am - Registration and family spot for Preschool to Year 8.
• 10am - 10:30am - Supervised fun and activities for Preschool to Year 5.
• 10:30am - 11am - Morning tea.
• 11am-12pm - Assembly and groups for Preschool to Yr.8. (Preschool to Yr. 8 from the 9:30am services/program are encouraged to join this (11am – 12pm) program as well.)
• Crèche will continue to be offered in all our Sunday morning services
6. Youth:
• Friday Afternoon Club (Year 6 to Year 12 students) will recommence from 3:30pm - 5pm during the school term.
• Friday youth will continue its program from 5:30pm during school term.
• We are creating a new ministry focusing on year 6 to year 8. As a result, Sunday youth will be changing: year 6 to 8 will join the new program at 9:30am and 11am.
• Youths in year 9 and above are encouraged to join the service at 9:30am or 5pm English service and an appropriate Discipleship Group.
7. D-group:
• Because of the changes, and the possibility of d-group members joining new congregations, each d-group may need to discuss and renegotiate their meeting times.
8. Other ministries:
• Please check our website for details of when and if these ministries are commencing again.
We apologize that we are unable to notify the church family of the above changes until now. The fluidity of the situation has made planning extremely challenging. We are thankful that we were able to pray, plan and discuss the above with a number of stakeholders. We believe that under God what we have planned can be used by Him.
We appreciate your prayers, support, trust and patience. We would like to invite you to a Town Hall session at church on July 26th at 2pm – for sharing of our vision and the upcoming changes, for a time of prayer together in these uncertain times, and for fellowship of our church community in love and respect.
Please do not hesitate to contact any of the pastoral or operational staff (9580 1482 or to discuss any concerns or questions that you may have.
In Christ,
The Rev. Dr. Brian Tung
Senior Minister
June 16th 2020
Dear Learning English Students and Community,
We are excited to say that we'll be meeting in person this Wed (tomorrow on the 17th June 10:30am-12pm). This is in line with government recommendations and health advice. This setting will hopefully provide a better environment to learn and promote relationships.
• Refrain from coming if you have flu-like symptoms to protect others (unless 14 days have passed since the onset of symptoms or tests confirm COVID19 negative status).
• Bring your own drink bottle.
• Bring $2 to cover some of the cost for snacks, teaching and use of facilities.
• Feel free to wear a face mask.
• Tell your family and friends about this opportunity.
We'll be:
• Registering people to promote contact tracing and communication.
• Having 1.5m physical distancing.
• Cleaning up afterwards.
• Practising good hygiene and hand-washing.
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
God bless,
Rev. Alan Lam
June 5th 2020
Dear Exiles Youth Family,
Exciting News!
God encourages us to not give up meeting together (Heb 10:24-25). We also see how Paul longs to meet people face to face (1 Thess 2:17). We are thankful for technology and the ability to meet online. Yet I'm sure that we have all been longing to meet in person.
High schoolers have been encouraged to go back to school. The government is aware of how important church is for our spiritual and personal growth so is now allowing 50 people to meet on church grounds.
You'll also be glad to know that our Friday youth group will change from meeting virtually to physically on the 12th of June (5:30-7:30pm). Youths can also hang out with others straight after school to play some video games or study (3:30-5pm).
Our Sunday youth group will continue to meet online at 9:30am for now.
In order to protect the health of our youths and the community, we ask that youths don't attend if they have flu like symptoms (unless 14 days have passed or they have been confirmed to not have COVID19), avoid sharing drinks and food, have good hygiene practices, use the COVIDSafe app and notify me if they contract COVID19.
These are extra measures we need to have in place. We appreciate your cooperation. Yet we also hope that you share our excitement with us.
God bless,
Rev. Alan
Please contact me if you have any questions or comments (0403191552 or
June 2nd 2020
Dear all,
The peace of the Lord be with you.
As of yesterday, the NSW health authorities are allowing churches to 'reopen' but limiting the number of worshippers to 50. And as indicated, we will be re-starting our 8am prayer book service with some big changes:
1. We will be moving the service to mid-week. At this stage to Wednesday at 1.30pm. It's essentially the Prayer fo healing service but weekly.
2. There'll be a number of procedures in place - including cleaning and record keeping.
3. We will not be able to sing. We're working out alternatives.
As the members of congregation are 'at higher risk', we need to ensure that their health and safety is provided for. But I can confirm that God-willing we will meet next Wednesday 10 June 2020 at 1.30pm for a communion service. Several things to note:
1. We are required to keep record of those attendance our service. It will help if you can pre-register your attendance at
2. If you are not well, please seek medical help and please isolate from others for their sake. And if you have come into contact with someone who has been confirmed to have Covid-19, please arranged to be tested yourself and please follow medical advice on isolation.
3. Please remember to maintain good hand hygiene. We will provide hand sanitisers.
4. Please maintain physical distance of 1.5m from others. We have re-arranged the seating in the church to help this.
5. We will appreciate your help in cleaning and disinfecting the church after our use.
Your servant for Jesus' sake
Rev. Brian Tung
1) Do we still have church services on Sundays onsite?
Ans: No, we would not meet onsite for church gatherings. However, we will have our Sunday services online.
The government had introduce ban for organized, non-essential gatherings of over 100 people starting on Wednesday 18/03/2020 and our Archbishop had advice suspending all church gatherings until further notice. St. George’s Hurstville will be providing Sunday service online during these times.
Contact us
If you have any questions in relation to our church’s COVID19 response plan, please email to
For any health related questions on COVID19, please consult your doctor or check out NSW Health website