Our AGM will be held in the chapel on March 9th, 2025 at 1pm.


Please download a copy of our Life Quarterly Autumn 2025 AGM Edition here.

请在此下载 2025秋季生活季刊季及周年会友大会报告 (繁體字版本) (简体字版本)


What is a General Meeting? 「會友週年大會」是什麼?
A General Meeting is the way that members of our Church make important decisions for the year to come. Normally they are held during February or March each year. Anyone can come, but to vote or speak you must be able to say that:
會友週年大會(以下稱:「年會」) 是教會的會友為教會在新的一年裏事工方向作出重要決定的會議。通常會在每年的二月或三月舉行。任何人均可出席。但投票或發言的人士必須符合以下條件:
a) You have been baptised; 已經接受了洗禮;
b) You are 18 years or older; 年滿十八歲或以上;
c) You are a member of the Anglican Church of Australia; 屬于澳大利亞聖公會的會員;
d) You have been a regular member of this church for at least three months during the last twelve months; and 在過去的十二個月內至少有三個月經常出席本教會聚会的會友;以及
e) At the moment you do not claim to be a person who regularly attends another church. 非固定參加其他教會聚会的人員。

What the Words Mean? 名詞解釋
Church 教會 – includes every congregation of a parish (in our case, St George’s); 包括一個牧區之內的各堂聚會(就我們而言,是指好士圍聖公會);
Parish 牧區 – is the same as Church; 指本教會;
Parish Nominators 牧區提名人 – if the position of the senior minister is vacant, these are the people who will look for a replacement; 如果「主任牧師」一職出現空缺時,他們是物色新的主任牧師的人員;
Stipend 津貼 – salary or living expense of a minister; 是指給教牧人員的薪金或生活開支;
Synod 教區議會 – the Parliament of the Anglican Church where laws and policy that apply to all local churches are made. Parliament is held every year around September; 是指制定法例和政策的聖公會議會。所指定的法例和政策適用於教區管轄之內的所有教會。議會通常在每年的九月份舉行。
Synod Representatives 教區議會代表 – people who will represent our church at Synod; 代表本教會出席教區議會的人員。

What Happens at the Annual General Meeting? 在年會中進行的事項
- The financial reports for the Church are received. 通過教會財務報告。
- Elections take place for Parish Nominators & Synod Representatives. 選舉「牧區提名人」及「教區議會代表」。
- Decide on whether to have a Parish Council and if so the size of the Council. 決定是否設立「堂務委員會」。如果決定要設立,則決定「堂務委員會」的規模。
- Elections take place for Churchwardens and Parish Councilors. 選舉「教會管事」以及「堂務委員會」委員。
- The people present may make recommendations to the Parish Council. 出席會議的人員可以向「堂務委員會」提出建議。

What are the Financial Statements? 什麼是「財務報告」?
These are the summaries of the moneys received and spent in the previous year. Copies will be available prior to the meetings. 指過去一年的所有收入和支出的報告摘要。副本可在年會之前獲得。

What are the Elections for Parish Nominators? 選舉「牧區提名人」是什麼意思?
Normally, a full Anglican parish elects five representatives from the Parish to assist in the selection of a new Senior Minister in the case of a vacancy. Any person eligible to vote may be elected as a Nominator, as long as they’re not a ‘Prohibited Person’.

What are the Elections for Synod Representatives? 選舉「教區議會代表」是什麼意思?
Once every 3 years, we elect two people to accompany the senior minister to the Synod. They represent us, and can ask questions, take part in debate, and vote on matters that effect our Church. They should be free (or be able to get time off) to attend Synod meetings which are generally held over five afternoons & evenings around September each year.

What are the Other Elections? 其他選舉是什麼?
There are two more elections; one for Churchwardens, and one for Parish Councilors.
還有其他兩項的選舉:一項是選舉「教會管事」;另外一項是選舉「堂務委員會」委員 。

How to make Nominations for Elections 如何提名候選人
• Ideally all nominations should be in made before the meeting so that church members have time to pray and consider the nominees. 理想的狀況是:在週年大會之前提名所有候選人,這樣教會會員就可以有時間考慮候選人,並為他們禱告。
• Prayerfully consider your choice and approach the person/s well before the meeting for their consent. 以禱告的心考慮你的選擇,並在週年大會之前接洽你要提名的人員,徵得他們的同意。
• Find someone who will support your nomination, i.e. a ‘seconder’ 找到一位支持你提名的人,讓他/她成為你提名的「和議人」。
• Complete the Nomination Form, and get your seconder also to sign it. 填寫提名表格,並請你的「和議人」簽名。
Since the people elected have very important responsibilities in God’s Church, it seems inappropriate for people to be nominated on impulse (Read 1 Timothy 3:1-3 and Titus 1:5-9 for an understanding of the qualifications the early Church looked for in its leaders)

What are Parish Wardens? 什麼是「教會管事」?
• There are three. The general meeting elects two, the minister appoints one. 教會管事共有三位。二位是由年會選出,一位由主任牧師委任。
• If a person is entitled to vote and speak at the General Meeting, then he/she is eligible to be a Church Warden. The exceptions are that at any one time a husband and wife may not both be Church Wardens, nor may the spouse of any paid member of the ministry team. 凡會眾在年會中有投票權及發言權者,皆有資格被選為牧區管事。例外的情況是:夫婦二人不能同時作為「教會管事」; 領取津貼的教牧同工的配偶不能成為「教會管事」。
• The duties of a church warden have been laid down by a recently updated ordinance made by the Synod of the Diocese. 教會管事的職責應根據「教區議會」最新的條例修訂進行。

The main functions are: 管事的主要職能為:
a) To administer all the moneys; 管理教會的財務事宜。
b) To pay the stipends of the ministers on the authorization. of the Parish Council; and 按堂務委員會的授權,支付教牧同工的津貼。
c) To ensure that the church buildings are in fit and proper order for use. 確保教堂建築物的恰當保養及正當使用。

What is the Parish Council? 什麼是「堂務委員會」?
• A church can choose to have a parish council (or not!). 教會可選擇是否有一個堂務委員會的存在 (或沒有!)。
• The General Meeting can determine the size of the council. Normally 3, 6 or 9 elected members. There are 2 exceptions: 年會可以決定堂務委員會的規模;通常是由3位,6位,或9位被選出的委員組成。還有兩種例外:
- The General Meeting could choose to have no parish council and the function of the council to be undertaken by the wardens. 年會可選擇無堂務委員會。其職能由教會管事們執行。
- The General Meeting can decide to have each congregation elect its representative on the Parish Council. 年會可決定由各堂選出它的代表組成堂務委員會。
• The council includes the wardens, elected councilors, and rector’s appointments. 堂務委員會的組成包括:教會管事們、被選出的堂務委員會委員,以及主任牧師委任的代表。
• Anyone eligible to vote at the General Meeting is eligible to be a parish councilor. 凡有資格在年會上投票的會員,均可被選為堂務委員會委員。

The main functions of the Parish Council are: 堂務委員會的主要職務為:
a) To fix and alter the stipends of the Pastor; 決定及修訂主任牧師的津貼。
b) To fix with the consent of the Pastor the stipend of any assistant minister, student minister or lay worker; 在主任牧師的同意下決定助理牧師,實習神學生及平信徒同工的津貼。
c) To confer with the Pastor about the spiritual welfare of the Parish and its work; and 與主任牧師商討牧區的屬靈牧養及相關工作;和
d) To consult on any project or matter likely to affect the Parish generally. 協商任何可能會影響牧區的項目或事項。

How to Select Your Representatives 如何提選你的代表?
• The success of each General Meeting depends on the interest, prayers and thoughtfulness of all. 每個成功的年會都取決於什么是所有會員所關註的事項、會友的禱告和思考。
• If you wish to nominate someone please decide before the meeting and obtain that person’s consent. 如你想提名某一個人,請在年會之前做出決定,並徵得被提名人的同意。
• Remember that whoever you nominate for the position of Warden needs to be able to regularly attend meetings. 請注意,你要提名成為牧區管事的任何人,必須是能夠按時出席各項會議的人員。
• People nominated for all positions should be prepared to take responsibility for tasks and enthusiastically see them through to completion. 被提名所有職位的人員,應當隨時準備承擔各項事工的責任,並熱心於各項事工,直至它們的完成。
In summary, our representatives need to be positive and enthusiastic about seeing continuing growth in our church.

What Motions can be Moved at a General Meeting? 在年會中,你可以提出什麼提案?
Our Church Ordinance says that we may pass motions that are recommendations to the Parish Council on any matter relevant to the business of the Church.
How to propose your motion: 如何提出你的提案:
a) Find someone to support your motion (a seconder) before you rise to speak; 在你發言之前,先找到一位支持你提案的人,成為和議人;
b) Write it out and send it (or a copy) to the chairman (normally the Rector/Senior Minister); 把你的提案寫下來,將提案(或副本)呈交年會主席 (通常是主任牧師) ;
c) State your motion before you speak; 在你做出陳述之前,先聲明你提案涉及的事項;
d) Only say what is relevant to your motion; and 只陳述與你的提案相關的理由;
e) Try to make it a practical motion- there is no point in proposing a motion that cannot be achieved. 請做出務實的提案:提交「無法完成」的提案是無意義的。


Warden 教會管事

Number to be elected: 2 選出人數: 2

Talents and abilities: 恩賜和能力:
• Christian maturity 成熟的基督徒。
• Management accounting, IT and/or property management experience and background. 財務管理,信息技術和或物業管理經驗和背景。
• General management experience esp. with volunteers. 普通管理經驗,尤其是義工方面的經驗。
• Skills to contribute through influence. 有影響力,能提供能對教會作出具體貢獻的建議 。

Mandatory qualifications: 必要條件:
1. Must be a member of St George’s. 必須是好士圍聖公會會友
2. Must be at least 18 years old. 不低於18歲
3. Must be a communicant member of the Anglican Church of Australia. 必須是澳洲聖公會領受聖餐的成員
4. Must NOT be a spouse of a minister of the church. 非教會牧師的配偶
5. Must NOT be someone paid by the church for work. 非教會受薪的人員
6. Must NOT be a bankrupt, a patient or protected person under the Mental Health Act or Protected Person Act, or a ‘prohibited person’. 非破產者,非按照精神健康法,和人員保護法受保護的病人或人員,或受法律限制的其他人員
7. Must NOT be a spouse of a warden. 非管事的配偶

Tasks and responsibilities: 工作職責:
The senior minister leads the church in ‘spiritual’ matters, but the wardens lead the church in ‘secular’ matters. They are custodians and stewards of the resources God gives to the church to enable the ministry and mission of the church can be done.

Leadership 領導能力
• Convene general meetings of the church. 能召集教會的各會議

Finance 財政管理
• Ensure property management of money. 確保資金妥善使用
• Ensure that money are collected, counted and recorded. 確保現金的妥善收取,點算和記錄
• Keep property accounting records. 保管資產帳戶之記錄
• Prepare financial statements. 起草財務報告
• Payments of church expenses (including payroll). 支付各項教會開支,包括職員工資
• Insuring church workers not insured by the diocese. 為非教區承保的員工安排保險事項

Property 物業管理
• Keep the church grounds and building and rectory in good repair and maintenance. 負責教會場地,建築物,牧師宿舍的修理和維護
• Ensure that the facilities and equipment are ready for church services. 確保各類設施和設備能在教會崇拜時正常使用
• Grant license to outsiders. 向外來人員頒發許可證

Compliance 執行規條
Ensure that the church complies with: 確保教會遵行:
• employment laws; 就業法
• work place safety laws; 勞動安全法
• child protection laws; 兒童保護法
• Taxation laws. 稅法
Since the appointment of a full time church executive pastor, the wardens’ role will shift from management/operations to governance and supervision.

Review and training: 重新審核和培訓:
• Annually. 每年一次
• Induction process. 入職培訓
• Coaching 接受培訓

Commitment: 需付出時間:
• 1-2 hours a week. 每周1 — 2小時
• Parish council meeting monthly (2.5 hours). 參加每月一次的堂委會會議(2.5小時)
• Monthly wardens meeting (1 hour). 參加每月一次的管事會議(1小時)
• 2-3 days annual retreat. 每年有2-3天的退修營

Parish Councillor 堂務委員

Number to be elected: 0, 3, 6, or 9 (the staff recommends that the numbers elect 3 for 2023). 選出人數:0,3,6 或 9 (教牧同工建議會友在2023年選出3名)

Talents and abilities: 恩賜和能力:
• Christian maturity. 成熟基督徒
• Understanding of the needs of the church and the environment and context that we operate in. 了解教會之需要,熟悉教會運作環境
• The ability to ask the right questions. 能提出實質性問題
• Ability to work with people. 能與他人合作
• Leadership (not just management) skills. 具有領導技能,不僅是管理技能
• Understanding of finances. 具一定的財政知識

Mandatory qualifications: 必要條件:
1. Must be a member of St George’s. 必須是好士圍聖公會會友
2. Must be at least 18 years old. 不低於18歲
3. Must be a communicant member of the Anglican Church of Australia. 必須在澳洲聖公會領受聖餐的成員
4. Must NOT be a spouse of a minister of the church. 非教會牧師的配偶
5. Must NOT be someone paid by the church for work. 非教會受薪的人員
6. Must NOT be a bankrupt, a patient or protected person under the Mental Health Act or Protected Person Act, or a ‘prohibited person’. 非破產者,非按照精神健康法,和人員保護法受保護的病人或人員,或受法律限制的其他人員

Tasks and responsibilities: 工作職責:
The parish council exercises an oversight and support role. 堂委會具有對教會的監管和支持的作用
• Help set the policies of the church. 協助制定教會的各項政策
• Assist the developing the strategic direction of the church, and to monitor progress of strategy. 協助制定教會的策略和方向,並督管各項策略的執行
• Legally: 在法律上而言:
- Fix stipend of ministers. 確定牧者的薪金
- Approve budgets. 批準預算
- Monitor budget, including authorizing payments. 監督預算的執行,並授權支付各類款項

Review and training: 重新審核和培訓:
• Annually. 每年一次
• Induction process. 入職培訓
• Coaching 接受培訓

Commitment: 需付出時間:
• Parish council meeting monthly (2.5 hours plus 1-2 hours preparation; 2-3 hours follow through). 每月一次的堂委會會議,約2.5小時,另加1 — 2小時的會前預備,及2 — 3小時的會後跟進
• 2-3 days annual retreat. 每年有2-3天的退修營

Parish Nominator 教會主任牧師提名人

Number to be elected: 5 選出人數: 5

Talents and abilities: 恩賜和能力:
• Knowledge of the church, our present needs, challenges and opportunities. 了解教會及其需求,挑戰和機遇
• Spiritual maturity. 有成熟的屬靈生命

Mandatory qualifications: 必要條件:
1. Must be at least 21 years old. 不低於21歲
2. A member of the church. 必須是好士圍聖公會會友
3. A communicant member of the Anglican Church of Australia. 必須在澳洲聖公會領受聖餐的成員
4. Have not been convicted of a disqualifying offence in Schedule 2 of the Child Protection (working with Children) Act 2012. 從未因違反2012年兒童保護法第二條款(兒童工作),不符合資格從事兒童工作而被定罪。
5. Is not a spouse of a member of the Nomination Board. 非提名委員會成員配偶

Tasks and responsibilities: 工作職責:
• This is a ‘just in case’ position and only become operative if the position of the senior minister becomes permanently vacant. 此乃預備應急職位,只有當主任牧師一職出現空缺時此職位才生效。
• To find a replacement for the senior minister. 物色主任牧師人選

Review and training: 重新審核和培訓:
• Annually. 每年一次
• Induction. 入職培訓

Commitment: 需付出時間:
• Weekly visit to churches (up to 6-9 months). 每周走訪各教會(可歷時6 — 9個月)
• Monthly meeting with the bishop. 每月與主教開會一次
• Interviews with potential candidates. 面試候選人


Legally, you may make nominations of church office holders up to and including at the AGM. However, I encourage you to take the time in advice to prayerfully reflect on the roles and consider either nominating someone or asking someone to nominate you. For the sake of the members who will be voting, it will be good to submit your nominations 3 working days prior to the AGM. It would be best if no nominations be made at the AGM or on the day of the AGM. Please note the person that is making the nomination must be present at the AGM.

Nominations can be made by completing the nomination forms and sent to the church office either in person or email to agm@stgerogeshurstville.org.au
提名須填寫提名表格,通過到教會辦公室遞交表格或電子郵件發送至 agm@stgerogeshurstville.org.au

You can download the nomination forms here: